CTK Church

Vacation Bible School

Each summer, we have Vacation Bible School. There are three options, listed below.

  • Preschool — We offer a special evening session of VBS just for them and their significant adult(s).
  • 5-year-olds through 3rd graders — They participate in a multi-day session of VBS at CtK with games, stories, activities, snacks, and lots of fun!
  • 4th through 6th graders — They camp overnight at Maplewood State Park for our VBS in the Woods program.
We have an OUTSTANDING group of volunteers who help out, but WE ALWAYS NEED MORE. VBS is heavily dependent on volunteers, and without each and every one of you, VBS would not be able to happen. If you are interested in more information about volunteering, please contact us:
Online registration forms will be available March 2025